Tuesday 30 April 2013

Season 1 Episode 6

"Every Night is Another Story"

When Whitey throws Lucas and Nathan off the team bus for misconduct, the two boys wind up stranded thirty miles from home. On the long walk home, they encounter a carload of players from the team they just beat who kidnap them at gunpoint. Injured during the game, Brooke needs Peyton to drive her home and Haley reluctantly accepts a ride with them. Meanwhile, Karen and Keith attend a business function, and tempers flare when Dan and Deb are seated at their table.

Season1 Episode 5

"All That You Can't Leave Behind"

Lucas asks Keith to play with him in the annual "Father and Son" basketball game, and realizes he got the better father figure after Dan publicly humiliates Nathan on the court. Meanwhile, Peyton turns down Nathan’s attempts to make up; she is having a hard time dealing with the anniversary of her mother's death and finds a comforting ally in Whitey. Haley continues tutoring Nathan and their developing friendship bothers Lucas.

Seanson 1 Episode 4

"Crash Into You"

A party at Dan's beach house, complete with backetball players, cheerleaders and beer? Sounds cool. But things heat up when Nathan humiliates Lucas, then crashes Peyton's car and lets Lucas take the blame. When Lucas sees the wealth that was denied him, he finally confronts his mother about why she let Dan ignore them. Meanwhile, when Nathan's mom returns home to hear her son was involved in a hit-and-run, she turns to Karen for advice.

Party at Dan Scott's Beach House

Season 1 Episode 3

"Are You True?"

Annoyed by Lucas's growing popularity, Nathan searches for his weak spot and finds it in Haley James - Lucas's best friend. After convincing the team to aggressively haze Lucas, Nathan seeks tutoring help from Haley and tries to befriend her, after all, nothing could hurt Lucas more than seeing his best friend help his worst rival. Meanwhile, Brooke develops feelings for Lucas. Karen must face some not-so-friendly acquaintances from the past. And Peyton becomes furious with Lucas when she discovers that he secretly submitted her drawings to a local newspaper.

Nathan Scott asks Haley James for Tutoring

Season 1 Episode 2

Episode 2
"The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most"

Lucas blows his first varsity game and decides to quit the team. The wedge between Nathan and Peyton continues to grow after Peyton tires of Nathan's jabs at Lucas. Meanwhile, Keith forces Karen to deal with her feelings for Dan after she refuses to set foot in the high school gym to support her son.

Lucas Scott - When the team Haze him

Monday 14 January 2013

First episode

Season 1 - Episode 1 - Piolt

Aside from a love for hoops, it would seem that Lucas and Nathan are two young men with little in common, but they are bound by the dark secret that they share the same father. Nathan is the star of the high school basketball team called the Ravens and local town hero, while Lucas is the only child of a single working mom. Now the two boys' lives collide when a twist of fate puts Lucas on Nathan's team and the half-brothers compete, not only for control of the court, but also for the heart of Nathan's girlfriend, Peyton.

Lucas win's this game to join the Ravens now there are two Scotts on the team how is this going to turn out ??


Profile's - Nathan Scott, Lucas Scott, Haley James Scott, Peyton Sawyer and Brooke Davis

Nathan Scott -

Nathan Royal Scott is the handsome, cocky, star of the Tree Hill Ravens basketball team. He is the only son of Deb Scott, and the youngest son of Dan Scott, successful car salesman and at one time, Tree Hill mayor. As the son of the biggest basketball star Tree Hill had ever seen, Nathan was always pushed produce results on the court. The pressure from his father was constant and at times, so overwhelming that it pushed Nathan to extreme measures.
Though it was never talked about, Nathan was aware that he had an older brother, Lucas Scott, the son of Dan's high school sweetheart, Karen Roe. Nathan never attempted to know Lucas, until he was forced to play on the same basketball team with his half-brother. Once the fact that Dan Scott passed on his basketball talent to both of his sons became clear to the entire town, the tension between the two Scott boys became extreme and, at time, violent.
In an attempt to mess with his brother's head, Nathan asked Haley James, longtime pal of Lucas, to tutor him. Little did he know that Haley would turn out to be the love of his life. The two were married their junior year of high school. Their marriage went sour when Haley met a musician by the name of Chris Keller, who offered Haley the chance to open for The Wreckers on a national tour. Haley left Nathan behind and went on tour with Chris.
After months of pain and anger, Nathan moved back in with his parents, only to find Haley back on his doorstep. The two reconciled the during their senior year and renewed their vows and shortly after, Haley was pregnant. On the day of their high school graduation, Haley went into labor, and the two welcomed a boy, James Lucas Scott, into their lives.
After graduation, Nathan went on to play college basketball at the small college his brother and high school coach, Whitey Durham, went on to coach for. After four years, he was set to be drafted by the Seattle Sonics. At the pre-draft celebration, Nathan was involved in a bar fight that left him temporarily paralyzed and nis NBA dream as shattered as the window he was thrown through.
Currently Nathan resides in Tree Hill, NC with his wife (singer) and son (now seven years old), for almot an year Nathan was prevented to play basket, but he never left his NBA dream, and in the end of season 6, he succeeds being chosen to play as the point gard for the Charlotte Bobcats.
In order to save his best friend's life, Clay Evans (his agent) and protect his health (because his back never fully recovered), he decides to leave basketball. He drops NBA in the same episode that Brooke Davis gives away her company.
In the end of season seven it is revealed that Nathan and Haley are expecting their second child, that will have the name of Haley's mother: Lydia.
Currently Nathan is a sport's agent, working in Clay's agency: Fortitude. He still leaves in Tree Hill with his family.

Lucas Scott -

Lucas Eugene Scott is the illegitimate son of Dan Scott and Karen Roe, who were high school sweethearts. When Lucas was a child, his father never publicly claimed him as his own. Instead, he found a father figure in Dan's brother Keith. As a young teen, Lucas enjoys literature, working at his uncle's car repair shop, hanging out with his best friend Haley James, and playing basketball at the river court. It is the latter hobby that gets Lucas noticed by the high school basketball coach who encourages Lucas to join the team that his half-brother and nemesis is a member of. Lucas hesitates but eventually decides not to let his family get in the way of his goals. After many trials, he and Nathan eventually form a friendship and a brotherly bond.
Lucas has a serious heart condition, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) which he discovered after his father had a heart attack. Lucas' relationship with Dan was always very complicated and became even more so when Lucas discovered that Dan both wanted Karen to get an abortion and desired joint custody when Lucas was young. The first time Dan owns up to being Lucas' father is after a serious car accident when the only way the boy could get immediate treatment was from parental permission thereby, he saved Lucas' life. Lucas returned the favor some time later when he saved Dan from a fire in the dealership. Of course, Lucas later came to regret this action when he realized that Dan was the man that took Keith's life in cold blood.
A romantic at heart, Lucas has had several loves, most notably, however, were his relationships with Peyton Sawyer and Brooke Davis. He and Brooke first got together casually but, after breakups and indiscretions, Lucas decided to make things more serious with her. The relationship with Brooke was never short on drama as there was a pregnancy scare and repeated cheating on Lucas' part with his girlfriend's best friend. At the end of his senior year, Lucas - with the blessings from his former flame - realizes his love for Peyton (although this preference was really discussed among fans of the show). When they are 19, Lucas proposes to Peyton with the ring his now-dead uncle was going to give Karen. She asks him to wait until they are more settled, which Lucas translates as a termination of the relationship. He falls for his book editor, Lindsay, but she leaves him at the alter when she realizes that the second book he has been writing is about Peyton.
After alot of back and fourth, Lucas finally realizes that Peyton is the girl he really loves, and he proposes to her. They are now engaged to be married.
After their wedding Peyton is carried to the hospital by Lucas where she has their baby Sawyer Brooke Scott. Peyton and Lucas leave the show at the end of season 6 - it is not seen in the show or never understandable where are they living. (Lucas returns only for a small role in season 9)

Peyton Sawyer -

Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer was born to Elizabeth Harp and her boyfriend (name unknown as of spring 2007) on January 7th 1989. Soon after her birth, Peyton was adopted by young couple, Larry Sawyer and Anna Sawyer. Anna Sawyer, however, was killed in a car accident when Peyton was 9 years old. She found out that she was adopted when her biological mother showed up at the end of the second season.
Peyton is a very talented artist who expresses her (mostly negative) emotions through her work. She lives with a heavily guarded heart, as she has lost so many important people in her life. She forged a friendship with Brooke Davis during the third grade and that friendship has continued over the years.
Season 1: During the first season, she was the girlfriend of Nathan Scott, but they soon broke up since their relationship was more about the "benefits" than love and she also realized that she didn't want to be the star player's girlfriend anymore. She then had an interest for her ex's half brother, Lucas Scott. Lucas had a huge childhood crush on the brooding teen and always had dreamed that she'll be his one day. But because of the encounters he had with his nemesis Nathan, Lucas and Peyton had been seeing each other a lot more, soon after producing a spark between the two. But at a party at Nathan's home, Peyton got scared and ran from Lucas after he admitted his want, and need for her; leaving Lucas heartbroken. Then at a frat party, she met up with a guy who put a date-rape drug in her drink. Peyton's best friend, Brooke, saved her right before she was about to get raped. Brooke then called Lucas for help and Lucas took care of her for the night. Oddly enough, Lucas and Brooke bonded over taking care of a drugged Peyton and later seen the two hook up. They then officially became an item.
Peyton went to visit Lucas and professed that she wanted what he wanted. Sadly enough, Brooke walked in on the two with her wearing Lucas' sweatshirt (Peyton then knowing that the two were together). Lucas was then forced to make a decision, choosing Brooke because he was afraid that Peyton would hurt him again. The two remained great friends, even having jealousy spew from Brooke of their growing friendship. After taking a trip to see if Peyton's dad was killed from who was lost at sea, an emotional wreck Peyton kissed Lucas. The two lost themselves in heated passion and almost done the deed, but Lucas' necklace, Brooke had given him, caught onto Peyton's hair and soon stopped what they were doing. On their way home, Peyton told Lucas to bury what had happened and it didn't mean anything. A disappointed Lucas asked if it really didn't, with Peyton shortly after saying "of course it did." The two remained secret lovers as they finally declare their love for each other. Stolen kisses were shared, but they both knew it was wrong, and that they should both tell Brooke.
Lucas and Peyton are unfaithful to Brooke.On the night that they decide to tell Brooke, Lucas got into a car accident, which brought back painful memories for Peyton because her mother had died in a car crash. Lucas was in a coma. When Lucas finally came home from the hospital, he broke up with Brooke with an explanation of their relationship not being the best thing for right now. Peyton came to comfort Lucas for his return, but soon avoided Lucas after realizing how much the breakup was hurting Brooke. Lucas, who had to see Peyton, sneaked out of his house to go see her. As the two began to talk, Lucas suddenly fell with a high fever. Peyton, who needed to help Lucas, called Karen and to meet the two at the hospital. But Brooke was with Karen at the time and went to check on Lucas, when she caught the two of them together through Peyton's webcam. Lucas' computer was on with Peyton's website up on his screen. Peyton ended their secret affair and explained they're hurting Brooke too much, also not wanting to live as a bad person. Lucas was crushed, as well as Peyton hurting for breaking off with her love. Later that night, Brooke stops by Peyton's and explains she saw her friend and ex together, soon breaking off their friendship. Lucas watched the event unravel on Peyton's webcam.
Peyton continues to avoid Lucas while Brooke continues to avoid Peyton. Brooke declares her friendship with Peyton to be over, but they soon bonded over a cheerleading event in Charlotte. After that, Brooke closed off Peyton once again. Peyton began spending more time with Luke's best friend Haley James, and with Jake Jagielski, along with Jake's daughter. But a party at Nathan's apartment changed Peyton's behavior towards Lucas. The two began to talk again and it even went far enough that Peyton asked him if he would like to go together to Haley's party. Their love for each other wasn't invisible at all when flirting and a gift from Lucas took part. That all soon fled once Peyton and Jake's ex, Nikki fought at the party. Surprisingly enough, it was also the girl Lucas hooked up with at the bar, shortly after getting dumped from Peyton and Brooke. Peyton was furious and felt betrayed, along with Brooke. That soon drew a wedge between Lucas and Peyton, but reconciled the friendship of Brooke and Peyton. The season ends with Peyton spending a lot more time with Jake, and helping him escape from Nikki, who tried to take their daughter from Jake's grasp. Also, the reconciliation of Brooke and Peyton's friendship took place, but Peyton's relationship with Lucas remained gone.
Season 2: In season two, Peyton at first goes through a difficult time. Although at first she has initial success with getting an all ages club Tric opened, and with encouraging Haley to perform at the club, which eventually fuels Haley's desire to be a singer, Peyton begins to get involved with Cocaine. She feels alone, as her father is away again, and she does not know where Jake is. She feels down that everyone is dealing with their issues and not helping her or realizing that she is upset or going through a very difficult time in her life. She is accused of being a lesbian by Felix Taggaro and faces public humiliation when he writes DYKE on her locker, just so his sister, Anna Taggaro, won't get upset by talk of her being a lesbian (it is later revealed that Anna is bisexual, though she also uses the word "lesbian" to assert her sexuality).
But hope comes for Peyton when just as she is about to fall off her mantle and buy some cocaine, Jake comes back into her life. It turns out that an argument between Lucas and Peyton made Lucas realize that he hadn't been there for Peyton, and knew he couldn't pick up the pieces of her broken heart. As a result, he was the one who called Jake, knowing that Jake would have a positive effect on her. This does, and sparks a huge turnaround for Peyton, and she and Jake fall in love. But this happiness was short-lived as Nikki came back wanting custody of Jenny. She eventually took Jenny away from Jake and ran off, causing Jake to run after her, leaving Peyton alone and heartbroken.
Then someone named Ellie Harp gets in contact with her saying that she is from Alternative Press magazine and wants to do an interview. But when she starts receiving some strange e-mails from someone named 'WATCHMEWATCHU' she begins to suspect it's Ellie. But Ellie who denies the e-mails informs her shockingly that she is Peyton's mother. The finale ends with a crying, bewildered Peyton on a beach, and Lucas coming to comfort her. "Looks like it's just me and you this summer", was his response, and the two share a very meaningful hug.
Season 3: At the beginning of the third season, we found out that Peyton is actually adopted, and that her biological mother is alive. It's announced that Ellie is Peyton's biological mother, but Peyton soon rejects her; not able to have a mother who repeatedly lies. Lucas tells Peyton he found Ellie buying drugs the other day, but because she has breast cancer. Peyton later believes her mother and soon connects with her, even worked together to release a CD where its profits goes to the breast cancer foundation. On the same day when the CD is released, Ellie died which left Peyton devastated.
A school shooting breaks out later in the season, where Peyton was left fighting for her life after being the one shot. She was with Brooke when the event unraveled, but Brooke fled the building without knowing Peyton wasn't behind her. Brooke tells Lucas that Peyton was still inside, having Lucas then run inside the building to save his friend; he found her bleeding out of her leg inside the school's library. Peyton couldn't walk so escaping was out of the question, so Lucas and Peyton stayed there in hiding. Lucas wrapped a tourniquet around her leg hoping to subside the blood and pain, but as Peyton was falling out of consciousness, he forced her to talk about a fun day she once had. Minutes later, after earning a promise from Lucas about everything will be okay, Peyton lost the hope of her surviving, despite Lucas' promise, and kissed Lucas; letting him know that she loves him before she passes. However, Lucas returned the kiss, which later in the season comes back to haunt them. Peyton falls unconscious, leaving Lucas to not wanting her to die and carries her out of the building.
Before Ellie passed, she left a piece of advice to Peyton, regarding her love life. Peyton decided to give her love life another try and hooked up with Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy. Their relationship didn't work out since Pete was busy with touring. Peyton's father told her to follow her heart and listen to it, so Peyton decided to give Jake a visit in Savannah; knowing that she once loved Jake. Peyton renews her relationship with Jake and Jenny, and even went far enough to propose to Jake, who gladly accepted. But that soon faded once Jake overheard Peyton say "I love you, Lucas," in her sleep. Peyton was then forced to confront Jake about the kiss they shared on the day of the shooting. Jake tells her to go back to Tree Hill, and to find out if Lucas is still in her heart. Peyton then does as Jake has advised.
In the season three finale, Brooke ends her friendship once again with Peyton after Peyton tells her that she still has romantic feelings for Lucas, as well as the kiss in the library. At the end of the episode, Peyton burns the drawing of herself, Brooke, and Lucas, and it shows two things in the coming: either Peyton decides to leave Brooke and Lucas alone forever and never resurface the 'triangle', or she decides to fight for Lucas and be with him, with or without Brooke's blessing.
Season 4: Peyton discovers that she has a half brother named Derek and, with prompting from Lucas, agrees to meet him. But the guy she meets isn't her half-brother, but an internet stalker who is the owner of the "WATCHMEWATCHU" emails and has been taking pictures of her, listening to her podcast, watching her on her web cam, and even going so far as to get a tattoo of one of her drawings on his back and making a prostitute dress like Peyton before they had sex. Unaware of all this and, in an attempt to be more trusting, accepts him. However, Lucas soon grows suspicious of this 'Derek' when he catches him sniffing Peyton's hair during a hug and finds Peyton's jacket, which had gone missing, on the beaten prostitute still dressed as Peyton. Peyton soon realizes the truth and, in a terrifying encounter, is manhandled and nearly molested by "Psycho Derek". Lucas and the real Derek come to her rescue, pushing him out a window, but by the time the police show up, he's disappeared.
The event causes Peyton to withdraw into herself, becoming scared and even skipping school and getting four locks on her bedroom door. Derek, who is in the Marine Corps and unwilling to open his heart to people after trying that at first only to watch them die, avoids Peyton until Lucas comes and talks some sense into him. He and Peyton develop a healthy sibling relationship and he helps her come to terms with her fear, not only of Derek but of confessing her feelings to Lucas. Peyton is unwilling to ruin the friendship that she and Lucas have, especially until she is sure that he and Brooke are over. At Derek's encouragement, she asks Lucas to a banquet to honor Whitey, only to find out he is going with Brooke, disappointed she takes Derek instead who tells her is being deployed to Iraq. That night Lucas comes over to Peyton's to tell her that it is finally over between him and Brooke. She immediately confesses that she's in love with him, to which Lucas just says "Oh." It's not until after winning the state finals that Lucas realizes that it's Peyton he wants and the two start dating, officially this time. Lucas has a heart attack that same night and almost dies, causing Peyton to fear that she will lose him like everyone else and get distant. However, she and Lucas soon resolve this and decide to just be happy.
They decide to go all the way during a party in the room where Peyton first rejected Lucas in season one, but they are interrupted when Peyton hears everyone cat-calling at what she thinks is a sex tape. When Lucas and Peyton rush out to put an end to the tape, they, and everyone else, discover that it is in fact, Nathan and Brooke. Following this she wants to skip prom, but gets convinced not to do so by Nathan. As she walks to her door to answer it thinking it's Lucas, the man behind the door turns around and it's actually her stalker. He ties her up in his basement and proceeds to make a mock prom for them. Brooke's arrival (who thought she would never skip prom). He tries to kill her but Peyton pretends to want to do it and stabs him. Together they then defeat him and he ends up in jail. She begins having visions of him and visits him in jail and discovers he was stalking her because she looked like his dead girlfriend. Telling him they both forgive him, she tells him to never come back to her. She now lives together with Brooke, with whom she has made up. After making sure with Lucas, she has decided to take an internship in LA and thus spend the whole summer with Brooke.
Season 5: Four years have passed, and we learn that Lucas had proposed to Peyton upon visiting her in LA. She was quite nervous, and said "someday". This was not enough for Lucas- so he leaves while she is asleep in his hotel room. She shows up at his book signing but sees Lindsay and Lucas together, and assumes they are dating. She leaves without saying a word. Peyton moves back to Tree Hill telling everyone that it's not for Lucas (but of course it is!). She opens up a record label with help from Brooke and Haley and signs Mia. Mia's career takes off and so does Peyton's label. There is tension between Lindsay and Peyton- they hate each other. Lucas and Peyton eventually kiss and Haley sees them. The same night, Lucas proposes to Lindsay. A distraught Peyton seeks comfort from Brooke, and burns a copy of Lucas's book. Lucas and Lindsay are about to say "I do" at their wedding when Lindsay realizes that the new book Lucas had written was also about Peyton (referring to the Comet she drives, and the comet in the book). She gives the ring back, and Brooke convinces Peyton to talk to Lucas. A drunk Lucas later tells Peyton that he hates her, but then seeks her out and admits that he in fact does not hate her. Lucas admits that it's hard seeing her again- and Peyton tells him about having a dream where they're back in LA and she says "yes" instead of someday. Lucas replies "It's just a dream, right?" and Peyton says "It's my dream." Later on Lucas makes a call, asking a certain someone if she wants to marry him in Vegas that night...
Season 6: ...Peyton shows up at the airport all smiles and kissed Lucas. They then fly to Vegas but realize that they want somewhat of a nicer wedding. Peyton takes Lucas back to the old hotel room in LA where they were the first time he proposed- and he does it again. This time Peyton says "yes" before he even has a chance to ask. The news spreads to everyone, and they begin talking about the wedding- but that gets put on hold as Quentin Fields is shot and killed. Peyton gets pregnant with Lucas' child before they ever wed but there are some complications with the pregnancy. Peyton makes a box with memories of her and Lucas for her baby because there is a good chance that she won't survive childbirth. Lucas' first thought was to end the pregnancy but Peyton convinces him to have the baby. In fear of dying during labour Peyton wants to get married before she gives birth. And so they do in the season finale. They have an outdoors ceremony in the woods, on the same place as they talked to each other the first time [when Lucas was sent out to fix Peytons car in the first season]. Haley gets ordained on the internet and marries them. When they return to their house to spend their weddingnight together, Peyton collapses in the bedroom when Lucas stepped out to get her present. He rushes her to the hospital where she gives birth to a daughter. She is in a coma for a few days and Lucas is afraid she's going to die and he will have to raise their "still-unnamed"-baby on his own. When Peyton wakes up she says their daughters name is Sawyer Scott. And the new-family leave Tree Hill in Peytons beloved Comet.

Brooke Davis -
Brooke Penelope Davis is the beautiful, perky but often misunderstood brunette of Tree Hill, North Carolina. The only daughter of the wealthy Davis family, she never wanted for anything, and always looked fabulous doing it. Brooke's parents, although very well off, were also very absent for most of their daughter's childhood and adolescent years. The lack of authority in her life, caused for Brooke's high school years to be full of parties, and drinking.
When their money situation took a drastic turn for the worse, the Davis family relocated to Los Angeles (season 2). To keep Brooke with her friends, local cafe owner, Karen Roe, took Brooke in to live with her and remain in Tree Hill, creating a bit of romantic tension between Brooke and Lucas Scott, Karen's son as well as Brooke's former boyfriend. The following year, she moved around, living with her two best friends: married musician Haley James Scott, then troubled cheerleader and artist Peyton Sawyer
Despite her wild ways, Brooke was very active in school activities. She served not only as the Ravens' Cheer Captain but also as Student Council President. During her presidential reign she founded a car service that picks up drunk kids and takes them home so they don't drink and drive, called "DW not I". Always one with a taste for fashion, Brooke started designing her own clothes, and, with help from her friends, put them on a website. The site did very well and turned into her own fashion line known as Clothes Over Bros.
She graduated from Tree Hill High at the age of 18, already well on her way to her fashion designer dream job. and moved to New York City to continue her fashion career. She joined forces with her mother, Victoria Davis, who took over the "business side" of Clothes over Bros making the line a nation wide phenomenon and making Brooke (and Victoria) incredibly wealthy.
Brooke is a 22 year old (season 5), and has recently moved home to Tree Hill, because of Peyton. She has reconnected with her friends and opened a Clothes Over Bros store in her hometown. After meeting her new love interest, Owen the bartender, and spending time with the people she loves most, Brooke realized her mother has been controlling her company, and finally fired her.
On season 6 Brooke will meet her most important love interest: Julian Baker (Peyton's rebound guy). As she was hurt by Lucas (when he again cheat on her with Peyton) Brooke tries to deny her interest and love for Julian, letting him go back to LA. At the end of season 6 they reunite, becoming one of the most important couples in the story line until season 9 (season finale).
During season 6, 7, 8 and 9 we understand that Brooke's best friend becomes to e Haley James Scott, culminating in her being Brooke's Made of Honor.
Currently Brooke is finally married with Julian and have twins, they still leave in Tree Hill. Brooke is the owner of the old Karen's Cafe, with Haley.

Haley James Scott -

Haley James is the youngest daughter of Jim and Lydia James. Her sisters are Taylor, Quinn, and Vivian. Haley was originally a bookworm, childhood best friends with Lucas. But in an attempt to make the basketballteam stop harrasing Lucas she starts tutoring Nathan, eventually falling in love with him. At 16, She and Nathan eloped and got married, changing her name to Haley James Scott.
Haley turns out to be a talented musician. At first Nathan is very supportive of her and her dreams to be a singer. But when Haley meets Chris Keller, a fellow musician who helps her with her music, she develops feelings for him eventually kissing him and leaving Nathan to go on tour with him and The Wreckers. For that tour Haley leaves Tree Hill and drops out of school. But only temporarily because Lucas convinces her to come home.
She returns to Tree Hill and fights to make her relationship with Nathan work. They end up renuwing their vows in front of all their friends. And Haley gets pregnant at the same time Karen does. She remained on top of her schoolwork eventually becoming valedictorian. During her valedictory speech, she went into labour producing a beautiful baby boy named James Lucas Scott. With Lucas as his godfather and Brooke as his godmother.
In season 5: She's a teacher at Tree Hill high. Still together with Nathan, however their relationship is hanging from a thread since Nathan was injured in a bar-brawl and is in a wheelchair. Eventually Nathan recuperates and so does their marriage. Haley gets fired from her job at the high school because she chooses to stand up for her beliefs instead of bowing to the wishes of the new principal. She works as a producer for Peytons record label.
In season 6 Haley acts as a minister at Lucas and Peyton's wedding.
In the end at season 7 it is revealed that Haley and Nathan are expecting their second child, which Haley believes is going to be a girl.